I’m so freakin’ Pissed about the Walking Dead Season 6 Finale

Season 6 of TWD will forever be known as the season in which AMC and the writers decided to test the limits of how much they could piss off their fan base.

They are begging us to trust that they have a plan and there will be an adequate pay-off and yet fail to accept that we’ve been fooled before!

The Season actually started out pretty wild, bursting through the gates with attacks from the Wolves and Glenn’s apparent demise. But then it suddenly went off the rails!

The Wolves essentially vanished, with no further explanation as to who they are and what they’re about, Glenn’s death turned out to be a cheap hoax, and we had to sit through an incredibly dull extra-long episode telling the boring tale of why Morgan doesn’t kill.

The show seemed to get back on track again when Jesus popped up, but eventually he wound up disappearing from the show as well.

Episode after episode seemed to drag on as long as they felt they could get away with, typically having only one or two actual events take place per episode, culminating in the second to last episode, where Daryl, who all but disappeared himself got shot in the very last shot, as yet another “cliffhanger” – which once again was not properly paid off.

This brings us to the finale, which plodded along at zombie pace, with the heroes trying to get Maggie to a doctor but being cut off and taunted at every possible pass by the saviors, while Morgan is pursuing Carol, whose character has devolved from the once alpha-female into a blubbering wuss.

That being said, Morgan’s story conclusion was the one saving grace for this episode. By killing to save Carol he simultaneously proved her point of view right, as well as letting us know that he cares very deeply for her.

When the main crew gets ambushed they are introduced to Negan, who lines them up and bashes in the skull of one of them, while we the audience are left to guess who got the wrong end of Lucille.

So this brings me back to my initial point, that AMC have painted themselves into a corner that they may not be able to get out of. Let’s look at each of the death candidates and what their death would imply…

Rick – if Rick is the one that gets it the show is done. period.
Carl – Since Judith is nowhere to be seen these days, Carl is really the only thing Rick has to hold onto. His death at this stage in the show would be absolutely meaningless, as their story-arc has not yet maturated.

– They said their goodbyes to Eugene thinking he was going on a suicide run, so if it is him it will come off as too obvious and an easy out for the writers.
Daryl – Even though he hasn’t done much lately it would be pretty weak to kill him off in such a lame way. He and the fans deserve more.
Abraham – I have been wanting to see Abraham take up the mantle of Rick’s guardian ever since he showed up, but his character is still a lot of fun – probably the most accessible among the group. However all the baby talk prior to being captured could make him an option, yet once again this would seem like an obvious and weak choice.
Sasha – Much like Abraham and the baby talk I could see her going. Of course Sasha is a pretty thin character so offing her would be a very weak/easy out choice for them.
Rosita – Rosita has only had about two memorable scenes this season, so killing her off would be yet another easy out for the writers.
Maggie – This one is interesting. If Maggie and her unborn child are whacked Glenn would be destroyed and the show would lose it’s hottest actress. The only thing that would make me think it’s not her is the fact that after getting clubbed we didn’t hear Glennjamin scream.
Glenn – It is well-known by this point that Glenn is the one Negan kills in the comic. But having already pretended to kill Glenn once this season, it would be pretty weak to kill him “for real” like this.
Michonne – She is a fan favorite, but her role has been diminished of late. As Rick’s current squeeze she may easily be the one to go in order to propel Rick into another rampage.
Aaron – Another minor character/easy out.

My vote: Either Maggie or Michonne, but I’m leaning towards Michonne.

Is Glenn Dead?

Walking dead character Glenn appeared to have died and yet many clues seem to point towards this being a cinematic falsehood which has many folks outraged.

Bottom line, you can get away with killing s main character on this series, just don’t play mind games with us… That said, season 6 has been chalk full of mind games beginning with the multi-timelines in the season premiere.

I’m confident the writers will get themselves out of this one unscathed and hopefully it does not happen again. To be perfectly honest when I watched what I thought was Glenn dying I was okay with it, and hoped it meant Maggie would now be free to go for the lesbian chick.

Fear the Walking Dead review – Plot moves slower than a zombie

I was really pumped to finally get some more zombie action, being a huge fan of the Walking Dead.

Unfortunately when I began watching the spin-off I was bored to tears only a few minutes in.

I’m trying to figure out where the original series succeeds and this one fails, but that seems like a monumental tasks…

First of all, The Walking Dead has something extremely important: Characters we love and characters we hate. This one neither, just… people. I can’t even count how many times I felt embarrassed for some of the performances.

The original series threw us into the world of Rick Grimes waking from a coma (a cheeky but well-executed pun) to a world that has been torn apart by the undead. He searches for his family hoping they are out there alive somewhere, and has to fight for his survival as he learns the rules of this new world. It is designed so beautifully that we can easily put ourselves into his shoes and ask ourselves “what if that were me?” – This is one of the strongest themes TWD holds true to.

“Fear” on the other hand does not provide us with the ability to ask such questions, instead we just observe drawn out drama and spurts of chaos. There is no connection.

There is a potential for this show to gain legs, but the only way I could see that happening is if the studio (and audience) having enough patience for these characters to become interesting.

To its credit however it was a wise move to not try to be a carbon copy of the original. So far there are no “Rick” or “Daryl” clones per se. Hopefully episode 2 is better. I may or may not watch it.

In other Nudes:

SOA, the hilarious new web-series is taking the online world by the junk!