How Texting and Driving can Save Your Life!


Before you launch angry responses, I invite you to ask yourself the following two questions…

  1. Have you ever texted while driving?
  2. Have you ever started driving with the intention to text along the way?

Nearly 90 percent of the people I’ve asked have said “yes” to the first question, but typically follow it up with “But only when I knew it was safe”.

However virtually 100% of people say “no” to the second question.

I wanted to bring this up because that means that approximately 0% of the people reading this are doing so with the intention of truly finding a way to justify their habit of distracted driving — so I’m going in with the expectation that anyone who stops reading at the headline will be the ones with the angry remarks.

Let me share a quick story…

Last week I saw a man on the local news condemning those who drive “distracted”, saying that they seem to think they are more important than everyone else. He said he could not understand such a mindset. So what an ironic twist it was when he showed up on the news a few days later having been convicted of distracted driving himself.

This taught me a valuable lesson: The only way to help a problem is to stop blaming others and begin with “me”.

So I will admit now that the title was a bit of bate-and switch… my hope was not to get you angry but rather to get you curious, because when we’re curious we are often best able to learn! My hope is that we can all adopt the practice of looking inward first.
