OPP Police officer charged with Sexually “exploiting” a teenaged girl

Apparently an Ontario Police officer (ironically called the OPP) Michael Janho was charged for being a pervert. This same jackass was previously charged with having an illegal firearm in September 2013, and “luring a child” in June of that year.

Now this same tit is charged with sexually exploiting a teenaged girl. According to the criminal code, this could involve convincing him fondling someone underage or convincing them to do it to him.

His punishment? suspension WITH pay.

So he gets paid for not working. Nice. Why can’t we all have jobs like that?

So he gets to sit on his perverted ass and collect my taxes while watching kiddie porn until he gets his next slap on the wrist and sent back to work so he can commit more felonies.

These are the people Ontario hires to “serve and protect” us? And then they reward them for breaking the rules?

You have to be popular in order to have an unpopular view

Driving instructor pervert

So someone named “Marc-Andre Rouleau” was just arrested for molesting a teenaged girl he was teaching how to drive…

This leaves me with just one question: why the hell would someone whose name suggests he’s from Quebec be made a driving instructor? They are the worst drivers in the country (and that includes women and Asians)!

What next, get foreign people to be driving instructors?

I’m a genius… just no one knows it yet

How to know you’re the worst parents on the planet

Some lady named Ailina Tsarnaeva was recently arrested for phoning up a woman who was getting down with her man and threatened to blow her up with a bomb.

The fact that she has a long odd name (and the picture above) might make people shrug, or like me you’d think — she looks pretty cute, and despite having a funny hat I’d still do her.

But what’s more interesting is that she is the sister of the two little fags who were responsible for the Boston marathon bombings.

To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if she was just using her brothers’ situation to try to scare the “other woman”, but still, imagine being those parents… one child killed in a police gun fight, one in custody for killing three and injuring hundreds of people – and now a third child has been arrested for bomb threats.

What the hell went on in that household? And how did “big brother” not preemptively catch that psycho woman, and yet I’m constantly getting arrested just because I’m white!

In the beginning there was nothing… which exploded!

Ghostbusters – 30 years later

I first saw Ghostbusters when I was a boy, and it was showing at the local library (for reasons I can’t remember). I was freaked out and couldn’t sleep that night. When I came to my parents room to tell them that I was too scared to sleep because of Ghostbusters they laughed at me. So in a sense the movie scarred me for life…

It was shortly after this when the cartoon came out and I think that’s when I really fell in love with these guys. There was a cheap knockoff of the Ghostbusters with some gorilla and a couple of losers so they had to call the cartoon The “REAL” ghostbusters, which I found a bit annoying, but I always enjoyed it. Although I fund Egon in the cartoon to be a little bit pretentious. Peter was always my favourite, with his sarcastic and nonchalant attitude. (As an aside, was I the only one to find it cool that the voice of Peter Venkman in the cartoon was the same person who voiced Garfield and later Bill Murray also voiced Garfield?)

Then came the sequel at the height of their popularity. My family went to the theatre to see it, and it’s one of my first memories of going to the cinema (everything prior to that was in a drive-in). Despite being poorly received by critics, I loved the second movie as a kid. Not as much as the first, but it enough to fuel my love of the franchise for a while longer.

I actually had a group of friends including my brother, who wanted to be ghostbusters. But since there were no ghosts in our neighbourhood we instead decided to “bust” wasps. We got a lot of stings but we made nearly a dollar.

So does the original movie hold up as well thirty years later? I’m of two minds on this one…

Mind #1 is my own mind… I really enjoyed seeing it again. But mainly because it was nostalgic.

Mind #2 is the mind of my eight-year-old son, who is around the same age I was when they were at their height of fame… and he is bored to tears by it.

So it’s hard to say if it stands up to the test of time.

So I suppose I have to view this opportunity to see it on the big screen as purely self-indulgent. In any case it’s a better trip into my childhood than the debacle that was the Ninja Turtles reboot.

Where Maleficent went wrong

Facebook tomfoolery!

The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology – review

One of the (few) things I like about netflix is the ability to watch old movies from my childhood without the bother of rummaging through the $5 DVD bin at Walmart.

I also like that you can find obscure gems. I found one such, while doing a random search was something called “The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology”… It sounded like something that would appeal to my odd sense of humor.

The film opens with one guy telling another guy (who somehow turned from a big black guy to an old German guy) to either put on glasses or eat from a trash can. I was already in stitches. But a few lines later I realized that I wasn’t actually watching a comedy, but a preach-umentary in the vein of “WHAT THE #$*! DO WE KNOW?!”… at least that’s how it seemed.

It continued on with this foreign guy (Slavoj Zizek) narrating as the main guy uses his sunglasses to determine whether or not the people he was looking at were aliens. I began to hurt my knee with my fits of unintentional laughter. I think at about this point I realized that the whole sunglasses dude was a different film… one called “They Live”, which I’d never seen before but I might at some point because it looks like it would be a lot of cheesy fun.

The annoying thing was that from this point I realized I was just watching some old foreign guy tell us about his views of ideology (which Wikipedia tells me is “a set of conscience and/or unconscious ideas which constitute one’s goals”). Therein lies the problem of this film… I know what my goals are, so if my conscience and subconscious are working towards achieving that, why the hell do I need some old fellow with an accent to tell me the problems with it?

I was waiting for some kind of “pervert” to make an appearance in the film, and it showed up when he was analyzing “the Sound of Music” and claimed that it was actually teaching us that Christianity is about sexuality. I guess no one told him that Catholics are not allowed to use birth control so that sex is not about pleasure but reproduction, which sort of flies in the face of his argument. In fact this whole argument sounds like someone who knows very little about Christianity and even less about The Sound of Music.

Anyway, after watching as much of this as I could, I think I determined the the point behind this movie to be: don’t take things at face value.

There, I just saved you two painful hours, and waiting in vain for something funny or perverse.

Where Maleficent went wrong

Why the Gay Pride Parade annoys me

The most outright annoying thing about gay pride parades may be that the downtown traffic comes to a crawl, but that is not the real thing that winds me up about them…

I thought the spirit of these things were to help promote the idea that people should not be judged because of their sexuality… and yet when you dress up deliberately weird, strut around and get obnoxiously loud, that is only shedding light on what makes you different.

I think we are in a day and age when people are quite happy to let gays get on with it, which also renders this sort of prancing around in pink underwear and feather boas completely self-indulgent.

But then again I get annoyed by anyone who is obnoxiously loud and in your face.

If I were a gay I’d be protesting against “pride” parades and trying to gain quite dignity.

And now for something completely different!

Transgender is Mental Disorder?

Dr. Paul R. McHugh has recently claimed that wanting to change your gender is a mental disorder (transgenderitis?), and for public health care to support “sex-reassignment” surgery is essentially encouraging people to have a mental disorder.

Not being a gay or a man who claims to be stuck in a woman’s body myself I can only speculate on the situation.

While his words might sound offensive to the hyper-sensitive and PC people of this era, he might actually be onto something here. That being said, there has to be a biological aspect to it as well.

Ask any homosexual and they will claim they didn’t “choose” to be gay. Personally I think this is a foolish and self-contradicting statement based purely on semantics – but I see their point. Sexuality must always be a choice, even if you don’t consciously choose what attracts and arouses you.

So from that point of view the doctor is bang on… wanting your gender changed is a choice, even if those wanting it feel they were “born this way”. And quite frankly it does seem to make more sense that determining yourself to be something different than what you were born could occur as the outcome of a mental process.

There have been documented instances of people who have had multiple personalities and they are differing genders. So once again this supports McHugh’s findings that it has to do with a cerebral issue.

Yet I have a feeling he is fighting an uphill battle. There is no way that pre-op transgenderers will ever admit they are only that way due to a mental issue that can be “cured”, and I highly doubt that the medical filed as a whole will suggest they’ve had it wrong all this time. All the same it is an interesting perspective to me the heterosexual white male.

The weirdness is just beginning!

How to know if you’re a true Pervert

Punching the elderly?

Okay, this video is all in good fun (as you can see in the full length movie), but have you heard of “smack cam” or the “knockout game”? But could you believe some retards actually attack a sweet old granny for a laugh?

Well sure enough they did… witness the genius of Devin Alexander, who clubbed an elderly woman in the side of the head with his prodigy friend filming it. Luckily the mong got arrested, but since he’s only 16 he will obviously oly get a wrist spanking.

As much as I think it’s deplorable, I don’t think Alexander has the mental capacity to be held completely responsible for this. The trend to jump unsuspecting people has to be the most foolish trend to date. What does social media have in store for the next generation I wonder?

Little Hong Kong fellow wants to un-lesbian his daughter

Fetus found in idiot’s purse?

Where Maleficent went wrong

My daughter dragged me to this movie for a second time yesterday, and while it was generally enjoyable the first time I saw it, this time a lot of plot holes became brutally evident and I had to keep reminding myself it was meant for children so I wouldn’t get too angry.

Since this will contain spoilers I should probably warn you up front about that but I won’t.

Strangely the first thing that really stood out to me, was that there is a battle sequence near the beginning. Despite being tamed down action, there was more onscreen violence in this one scene than in all of the poorly-made and watered-down “Hunger Games” movies combined. So that was a clear point in the movie’s favour.

That being said, this war begins because a greedy King decides he wants to take over this magical land and wages war on them. Apparently this King has never heard of sending a scout in first to get intel, or doing any sort of pre-emptive strategical planning, instead he comes out to a place for whose inhabitants he has no information about, with an army behind him.

Moving on…

There are two very good things about this movie before I get to the main problems.

1. Angelina Jolie. She was actually very believable in a generally preposterous film. She felt genuine from start to finish and at the same time revitalized my interest in seeing her naked (I’ll probably be looking for an old copy of Gia when I have a moment).

2. The music score. I actually thought I was listening to a James Horner score (with smoother edges) while listening to it, but it turned out to be James Newton Howard. It was a tad over the top at times, but generally was a big compliment to the film.

Perhaps the biggest sin this movie makes is trying to stay too close to the original Sleeping Beauty story… especially since the last line of the movie tells us that up until now we have been told the wrong story (more on that shortly). So certain things become a little bit contrived to try to make it fit in with some of the “iconic” Sleeping Beauty moments.

So this lad named Stephan stumbles into the mystical realm and meets Maleficent where they fall in love. But he decides that living in a castle is more valuable to him than spending his life with Maleficent and leaves her. He’s a dummy but there are lots of dummies in the world so that’s perfectly plausible.

After the King is mortally wounded in the previously mentioned war, he tells his minions that whomever kills Maleficent will earn his crown. Stephan uses this as inspiration to betray the one he formerly loved. But he cannot bring himself to kill her, only chops off her wings to pretend he killed her. And that’s where the real problems begin…

Shortly after his coronation, King Stephan announces to the kingdom that his child will be born, and who shows up to crash the celebration, but Maleficent… the one that he had claimed to have killed in order to win the crown, so shouldn’t he be immediately stripped of his royalty?

Once his daughter is cursed the King decides that the best course of action is to send his baby into the care of three inept fairies whom he just met and didn’t seem to even like. This was a tough one for me to get past as a parent. Even when my kids are being a handful I wouldn’t be that neglectful.

Most of the special effects are passable in this movie, but the 3 CGI fairies (or midgets as my son called them) animation was shameful. Disney should be embarrassed by how bad they are. Especially since the animated versions of these fairies are directly juxtaposed with their human counterparts.

As Aurora grows up for some reason Maleficent decides to keep a close watch on her and makes up for the shortcomings of the fairies by making sure the child is safe, not really sure why she would do this to a child she just cursed.

This leads to the ultimate meeting of Maleficent and Aurora. It begins with a brief battle scene that feels like it was inserted solely to accelerate the pace of the film. But then Maleficent brings Aurora to the enchanted realm while she is under a sleep-induced spell. Aurora wakes up and instead of being confused or groggy or anything a normal human being would, she is immediately excited to be in this strange land which just comes off as bizarre.

A sort of mother-daughter relationship forms between the two of them, which is fairly nice but perhaps a little too rushed in an already short film. Then comes Prince Philip out of nowhere, a kid who looks like a member of One Direction, but my 11-year-old daughter thought he was ugly.

Supposedly Philip is en route to the castle when he happens upon Aurora, and after their cutesy meeting says that he will come back after he’s been to the castle.

Bla bla bla, Aurora learns about her past, that she’s cursed by Maleficent and returns to the castle where her father lovingly greets her by sticking her in room from which she easily escapes and pricks her finger on a spindle that exists for reasons unknown.

Maleficent who now has bonded with the girl decides she must try to break the sleeping spell with the help of the prince, so she puts him under a sleep spell after he returns to the forest seeking out Aurora (presumably now on his way home from his trip to the castle).

Maleficent and her man-bird sneak into the castle with ease toting along “sleeping handsome”, then basically dump him into Aurora’s lap. When Prince Philip comes to and realizes he’s in the castle he says this is where he was meant to be… but wait, wasn’t the only reason he was in the forest when he was captured because he was coming back FROM the castle?

Anyway the Prince gives her a creepy kiss which to nobody’s surprise does nothing, and the big twist is that Maleficient must give her the magical kiss (at which point I’m ashamed to say my son shouted out “she’s a lesbian!” in the theater).

As Aurora and Maleficent try to escape the castle we get into the mandatory final showdown, which is all well and good except for one major problem… during the battle Aurora hides in a random room in the castle, which conveniently, of every room in this massive castle, happens to be the very room where Maleficent’s wings are kept. Apparently the writers missed the lesson where you are taught that lucky coincidences should NEVER save the heroes in the end.

The rest plays out as you would expect with the evil King being killed, Maleficent being redeemed and Aurora with her loving Prince becomes the queen of the two realms. But like I mentioned at the top, we are told by the narrator that now you know the “real” story. But hold on a minute… if this is the real story, who would have documented and passed down the inaccurate version that had been told up to this point?

  • The evil King is dead so he and his followers wouldn’t have.
  • Aurora is the loved queen now so her loyal subjects wouldn’t have.
  • Certainly Maleficent would not have shined a bright light on her misdeeds

  • The only solution to this problem that my kids and I could come up with was this, the subject matter for what should perhaps be the plot of Maleficent 2: Philip has an affair with Maleficent and then he and Aurora go through an ugly divorce and custody battle, during which time Philip brainwashes his children into believing that Aurora is brainless and Maleficent is a heartless bitch and then they pass on that version of the story through time.

    Either that is the plan or the writers just had no idea what they were doing.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles review: not to spoil it, but it sucked balls!


    Sweet, a superero movie for a character I never really knew or cared about.

    I know Marvel are hoping for another “Guardians of the Galaxy”, but for some reason I have a feeling they will have another “Daredevil”.

    How can having Paul Rudd as your lead possibvly be considered a good idea? For any movie I mean, not just a superhero film.

    More to the point why make a movie about someone whose claim to fame is that he can shrink himself?

    But there is no more point in asking “why”. Hollywood has their reasons, just like they had their reasons for so many other recent classics like the amazingly dull “Sex tape”.

    There is another reason I wanted to waste my time to write about this waste of time… and that reason is: Spandex.

    I was at the beach yesterday and a man was actually wearing a speedo. Who does that in this day and age?

    Be HERE and be pie squared