Captain America Civil War review – succeeded where Batman v Superman failed…

… But fails where Batman v Superman (BvS) succeeded.

So that said my review is mainly a comparison to the film’s DC counterpart.


What I really liked was that both sides’ positions were well established but more importantly, the opposition understood as well. Where the conflict in BvS could have been resolved by a simple conversation, here they had those conversations and a compromise could not be made.

Much like BvS the sides were put at odds by a puppet master of sorts. Zemo was done right where Luthor was done horribly wrong. 

Fun. This movie had a much lighter tone which was good in that it was fun, but more on this in a bit…


Although the movie was more light hearted, the jokes and quips extended into the fight scenes which really killed any dramatic tension.

As I said, the puppet master here was generally well done. However when he reveals his plan to the team they stupidly do exactly what he wants rather than recognizing this as a ploy. Worse still, the one who really falls for it is Tony – the guy who’s supposed to be a genius.
Some people complained that BvS was slow placed, but I found this to be much worse in that way.

One of the criticisms of BvS is that the marketing team spoiled it by showing doomsday in the trailer, well Marvel did pretty much the same thing by showing clips of the final fight between Cap, Ironman and Bucky, so I knew this was coming which sort of spoiled any tension for the last act.

The movie sort of goes nowhere. It ends virtually where it began. It was also pretty emotionless. I was desperately hoping for something with emotional power. I wanted someone major to die. So where I think BvS did themselves a disservice killing off Superman, I think Marvel made a mistake by not having any casualties.

Just like Batman v Superman I walked away from this movie unsure if I liked it or not. All I knew for certain was that there were parts that seemed to drag on, and I felt completely unmoved by it. Yet if they took the good things from this movie and the good things from BvS they would have a masterpiece.