Is left-wing media responsible for Heather Heyer’s death?

What the hell? Okay if you’re reading this with me, let me first tell you where I’m coming from… I’m not a “Trump-supporter” nor am I a liberal. I like certain policicies from both the right and the left, so I tend to piss off both extremes.

I fall into the camp of calling a leader out when they do something dumb but acknowledging when get it right. Unfortunately this view is not held by many who seem to think democracy is only good when their guy/girl wins.

So Trump got blasted in the media for having been broad in his initial statement, simply referring to racism and not calling out the KKK by name.

Given how definitive he was about naming Islamic terrorism I can understand that criticism, and clearly so could his advisors because the next day he did name them – after a “raw raw” speech but I digress.

The point is that even after doing what the people wanted, the left media and public figures still complained. It just shows you there is no compassion way out left. Here’s a specifically horrendous tweet by Michael Ian Black I came across:

As heartless and distasteful as this Kathy Griffin-esc statement was, it did get me wondering what was the cause of such a needless crime – beyond of course the idiot behind the wheel.

The rally to protest the removal of the General Lee statue was planned for a long time. If we roll back the clock, when did this rally go from being a demonstration to preserve history into a hate fuelled “white power” march?

That’s where the left-media comes into play, thriving on creating conflict. Obviously there were racists and neo-shit heads there, but imagine if the media had left it alone? Imagine if everyone left them alone? Imagine if BLM never showed up (ironically/hypocritically) protesting these people’s right to protest?

If not for the media-created animosity that young woman almost certainly would not have been there, nor would the tension escalate to the point that it did.

So I hope all of those people whose blind hatred towards everyone who does not share their left-wing political views, take a look in the mirror and realize that these hate-fuelled tweets and news articles are the result of his mentality.

But they won’t. I know this because of how they crucified Trump for doing exactly what they wanted him to do.

Note: My hope would be the same for right-wing people, but at this point the hatred seems to be originating on the left – who have initiated demonstration after protest after riot since Trump’s victory, and have have also deemed it appropriate to hypocritically prevent multiple right-wing demonstrations (such as pro-life).

Daddy, what is anal sex?

As I’m sure you guessed by the title of this article it is about a children’s book…

But not just any children’s book, on that has proven to be the perfect fodder for “reaction videos” (link), pranks, or just flat out weird reviews (link).

Still, if you ask me it’s a good read… and even somewhat educational!

Gender and the “sexual spectrum”


Sometimes learning new things confuses me even more.

I’m picturing a teacher at the head of a classroom with two diagrams: one with the female reproductive organs and one with the male counterpart.

She holds her pointer on top of the male diagram and say “This is a penis – or in technical terms, a ‘three piece set’. If you have one of these it means you are male.”

So it strikes me as odd that in this moment in our history, little Johnny can hold up his hand and say “no it doesn’t”… and be RIGHT!

I really don’t envy teachers of sex ed in this regard. As much fun as it would be to spend all day looking at private parts, having to then attempt to tell a class full of kids coming from different parental ideologies about reproduction while not offending anyone must be exhausting.

And there are so many outside sources that add to the mix…

You have religious outlets saying that God/Allah/Xenu made people the way they are, and that feelings of gender confusion are temptations that you must overcome.

Then you have the people who are trying to make life easier on these individuals by telling us that it is criminal not to accommodate them.

You have have the scientifically minded people saying that humans have evolved with two distinct genders for the survival of the species and therefore gender is not fluid.

And of course we have Donald Trump and team, who have stated that transgender people are not to serve in the military.

Then throw into the mix people like Walter Heyer, a public speaker who was once transgender and now regrets that decision and tries to help people struggling with gender dysphoria overcome what he calls a psychological condition. He actually agrees with Trump’s decision – interestingly feeling that it is for the better of the individuals who are currently upset about the decision.

I can see how there can be a lot of unrest because people who see it as a mental condition say that people suffering require psychological assistance, and people who say it is not a mental disorder are insulted by such well-meaning insinuations.

Here in Ontario we have a premiere who is a gay extremist liberal who has decided that it is not a mental disorder – and parents with a gender confused child who tries to get them help will be at risk of having their child taken away.  She has also removed gender from certain pieces of ID and is now potentially going to have gender optional on birth certificates.

I recently watched Bill Nye’s “Sexual Spectrum” episode that caused all kinds of unrest… not because of the cheesy canned laughter every time he made a dad joke, but because he suggested that there are multiple chromosomes that determine ones gender and they could be far more varied than originally thought.

The moment I saw it I wanted to ask him: is it the chromosomes that determine the gender, or gender that determines the chromosomes?

But something tells me that if I had the opportunity to ask him I would get an earful of big words.

He posed an interesting point where he said there was a theory that there are both male and female brains and that it could therefore be possible that a “male body” had a “female brain”… this to me was a fascinating – and potentially game-changing thought!

He didn’t elaborate beyond that so I did some digging.

Unfortunately it turns out there is currently no scientific evidence to support this. Tests have been done but nothing is conclusive meaning that to my disappointment, Nye was giving an unproven theory the weight of a proven fact.

This blog is not about Bill Nye but as a sidebar… I gained a lot of respect for him when he changed his tune about GMOs – not because I had a horse in the race but because I loved the fact that a man of science was willing to stand up and say that his standpoint changed with new information. So it disheartens me when I then see him basing his premise on loose theories.

Anyway between all of these conflicting ideologies, I still have very little idea what to make of the whole thing. I’m fortunate not to be afflicted with such a condition, but the reality is that it still affects me due to the social weight the subject carries.

But enough on that, here’s a lighthearted look at it: