Little Hong Kong fellow wants to un-lesbian his daughter

Gigi Chao is some righ dude from Asia who wants to fix his daughter who has brought great dishonour to him by being a lesbian. He’s offerring something like $130 million bucks for anyone who can fix her.

Now I know what you are all thinking, I, Sir Edmund Wells am the man for the job. But I can’t seem to get in touch with him for the life of me. I’ve seen a picture of her lesbian lover and I definitely am prettier than her. Heck I could even hide my John Thomas for a while if that would make her more comfortable.

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Weird new sex trend

I never thought I’d see the day when “ear sex” from Family guy was actually normal next to the reality of things kids do to get off while ducking STDs. As it turns out, the latest craze is to use a strategically designed tennis ball cut in half, wafer cookie and shower cap to combine into what they’re calling “fun bagging”. I don’t consider myself a prude, but then again I also don’t consider myself a dickhead, which has also been proven to be a false premise here.

I guess all we can do is sit back and watch as our children destroy themselves.
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Naked Sumo guys… yum!

Bee1lPBIAAARWt5When I think of art, or nudity, there are two things I never think of… the forst is a big fat Japanese guy humping the side of a building. The second is another fat Japanese watching the first with a big perverted smile on his face, but some genius decided that is the way to go in a public area in Jinan (wherever that is).

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