Who is Michelle Goldberg?

This Friday (May 18,2018) the Munk Debates is holding an event featuring Stephen Fry and Jordan Peterson who are taking the position of anti-political correctness (likely from the position of freedom of speech) and in favour of political correctness is Michael Eric Dyson, famous for his books on black culture and for having not invented the vacuum, alongside Michelle “who the hell is she” Goldberg.

(As an aside I generally think debates are largely pointless. They are all about “winning” and not about having a meaningful discussion)

I was wondering who this person was and worried that in order to argue in favour of something so out of control as political correctness she must be completely out of her mind. So I did some research and I was pleasantly right… okay that’s not fully true. She seems to be really bright and fairly well educated, but is also a great embodiment of the extreme left and appears to be oblivious of this as well as to the inconsistencies in her ideals.

For example, on Trump winning the presidency she made a statement along the lines of “what is wrong with people”… when the answer is right in front of you on the ballot! This is what the left does; they blame everyone else rather than looking in the mirror. Is it any wonder we have such polarization? She also accuses the right of fascism, which is pretty hypocritical for someone who wants to enforce political correctness.

She also seems to love the term “privileged” which is a telltale sign of someone trying to push identity politics and the victim mentality, both of which are pushed aggressively by the hard left. This is also ironic considering she has spoken favourably of Obama who did more to create segregation than any other president in US history. On that note she seems to love accusing white Christian conservatives of racism… um… Abraham Lincoln?

She was upset that children were celebrating Roy Moore because of the allegations against him, and Mike Pence for his efforts against abortion along with the claims that he is homophobic. And as mentioned before, she speaks poorly of Christianity. And yet she speaks highly of Islam which shuns homosexuals forbids abortion and was founded by a warlord who married an infant and took over a nation by force.

All I’m asking for is consistency.

How can you simultaneously encourage people to work as little as possible (socialism) and expect quality services to be handed out?

How can you claim to be both a feminist and a transgender advocate?

How can you simultaneously endorse a borderless country and yet promote the kind of segregation that identity politics produces?

The more of her speeches I listened to, the more it sounded like she has not changed her views since pre-pubescence, and essentially has not grown up. She’s like that self-righteous kid talking at you, who has no life experience but yet feels entitled to lecture you and try to claim the moral high ground while being so oblivious to reality that she can’t see that she is being stupefyingly immoral.

But that tends to be their tactic: trying to stupefy with illogical accusations that detract from the issues at hand.

Unfortunately for her, Jordan Peterson is well aware of these tactics and inconsistencies so if she’s not careful may find herself career-endingly embarrassed.

Getting over heartbreak with the help of the Kardashians

Once upon a time there was a boy who liked a girl, but found himself friend-zoned. Fortunately she had a sister who he actually connected with even better, but shortly after they started an intense relationship she decided to dump him so she could go back to the guy who had been so psychologically abusive that she had to move to another town.

Heartbroken, the boy decided to write a song for her, tweaking the situation and realized it was a really fun song. So he made it into a video and used the fodder-friendly Kardashian sisters to tell the story. Ironically one of the Kardashian sisters shared the name of her real-life counterpart making it all the more satisfying.


Star Wars: the last Jedi – a piece of space shit!

Remember all the things they did wrong in The Force Awakens? Well, in order to correct those things this film decided to AMPLIFY those same mistakes!!

Remember how the entire point of the force awakens was getting the lightsabre to Luke via Ray? Well the first thing Luke does is nonchalantly chuck it away as if to laugh in our face for wasting two hours + two years wondering.

And just like the force awakens did before it, the last Jedi steals elements and character types from the original trilogy and jumbles it up hoping to fool us into thinking it’s something new.

There’s the ethnically diverse ally (Lando), the slickster who betrays the good guys to save his own skin (also Lando), the reluctant mentor (Yoda), the cool-looking charcter with a lame death (Boba Fett)…

Piece of shit.

A return of the Jedi-esc scene in the Emperor’s throne, a Hoth-esc battle on a snow-wait no, “salt” planet. There’s the deep dark scene where Luke-er-Ray, goes into the dark abyss and seeing her reflection.

All of the “comedy” was misfires… there was even one moment that seemed like a Space Balls joke.
And to redeem the crappy lightsaber battle from the force awakens, this one makes up for it by having NONE AT ALL!

Piece of shit.

Aside being insufferably long, it felt like they tried to debunk fan theories by answering things with stupid dumb retarded shit. Like the scene when they say Ray, you know who your parents are? NOBODY!



Harvey Weinstein – the musical

While a theatrical musical all about a Hollywood perv may sound morbid, it was something SNL tackled much to my chagrin because I was mid-way through making my own song all about several characters getting defiled by the Hollywood system… quite frankly I think mine (which features Batman, Tommy Wiseau, Crispin Glover, Superman, Bill Cosby and Kermit the Frog to name a few) came out better.

Justice League movie review – spoilers

When I first saw Man of Steel I felt it’s follow-up would be it’s true measure. Disappointed with that I really hoped Justice League would right the wrongs of Batman v Superman. In some ways it did, but it also seemed to overcompensate to the point where this felt like it didn’t fit in with the other films in the series… it also felt like a rip off of Avengers.

Here’s the basic plot: Billionare/superhero assembles a team of other heroes to battle a villain from another world who uses a cubical alien object for power.

Superman’s inevitable return occurs around the mid-point, but like the decision to kill him in the first place they cocked this up too…

First of all, his face looked weird for most of the movie, which I suspect was due to mustache related issues. He was also very jokey at times which seemed out of character. But perhaps the biggest problem is that early in the film there were multiple suggestions that his death caused an increase in crime. First of all, this Superman was never known to be a crime fighter, and upon returning he did nothing to prevent it. He just fought more aliens. His super-breath appears but also looks weird.

As far as his resurrection, it felt… off. How it was accomplished was ok, although it could’ve been much better. His transition from being confused and angry into being cutesy and quippy felt rushed. Even the changes in his costume felt distracting.

Anyway his rebirth would’ve benefitted from a movie of it’s own, but thankfully, aside from a pointless Wonder Woman action scene at the beginning, there wasn’t a lot of Tommie wasted on backstory as I had feared.

The alien cube – actually there are three of them here – in JL is an ancient thing that was supposedly pulled apart in the past. However Superman wasn’t around at that point. There were apparently Green Lanters, so I’m not convinced that the Justice League could fare better than armies of Amazons, Water-folk and Lanterns, who merely slowed down steppenwolf for a few generations until he felt like coming out of hiding.

But over-analyzing this film is probably a mistake anyway.

Cyborg and Flash were really enjoyable characters. Batman seemed like a useless addition, and Aquaman was about as cliche as a character can get… a reluctant loner hero who puts it all on the line for humanity. In fact he didn’t really accomplish much to speak of. Wonder Woman and her tight leather pants was a treat start to finish.

Overall it was fun but not great.

South Park under Attack from butthurt “writer” Lindsey Weedston

I won’t post a link because I suspect her article was done purely to coattail off of South Park’s success – and it has worked to an extent as Ms. Weedston has had her article mentioned on a couple big sites.

Her premise is that South Park has conditioned our society to be assholes.

But there are a couple of fundamental flaws here… first of all, she is essentially calling everyone in society a brainwashed idiot who can’t think for themselves. She is also ignoring the fact that South Park is largely reactionary.

She accuses the show of promoting “Trumpian” behavior, so she must’ve missed the last few seasons where Garrison was standing in for Trump, making a complete mockery of him.

One of the reasons South Park is so popular is that NO ONE is free from being poked fun at – especially at the extreme end of whichever spectrum is in question.

So basically her article could be summed up in four words: “I don’t get it”.

So nice try “Lindsey”, but most fans of South Park are not wise enough to catch onto the subtitles of the humor required to enjoy the show and as such will know that you are making a complete public fool of yourself.


How Texting and Driving can Save Your Life!


Before you launch angry responses, I invite you to ask yourself the following two questions…

  1. Have you ever texted while driving?
  2. Have you ever started driving with the intention to text along the way?

Nearly 90 percent of the people I’ve asked have said “yes” to the first question, but typically follow it up with “But only when I knew it was safe”.

However virtually 100% of people say “no” to the second question.

I wanted to bring this up because that means that approximately 0% of the people reading this are doing so with the intention of truly finding a way to justify their habit of distracted driving — so I’m going in with the expectation that anyone who stops reading at the headline will be the ones with the angry remarks.

Let me share a quick story…

Last week I saw a man on the local news condemning those who drive “distracted”, saying that they seem to think they are more important than everyone else. He said he could not understand such a mindset. So what an ironic twist it was when he showed up on the news a few days later having been convicted of distracted driving himself.

This taught me a valuable lesson: The only way to help a problem is to stop blaming others and begin with “me”.

So I will admit now that the title was a bit of bate-and switch… my hope was not to get you angry but rather to get you curious, because when we’re curious we are often best able to learn! My hope is that we can all adopt the practice of looking inward first.






Is left-wing media responsible for Heather Heyer’s death?

What the hell? Okay if you’re reading this with me, let me first tell you where I’m coming from… I’m not a “Trump-supporter” nor am I a liberal. I like certain policicies from both the right and the left, so I tend to piss off both extremes.

I fall into the camp of calling a leader out when they do something dumb but acknowledging when get it right. Unfortunately this view is not held by many who seem to think democracy is only good when their guy/girl wins.

So Trump got blasted in the media for having been broad in his initial statement, simply referring to racism and not calling out the KKK by name.

Given how definitive he was about naming Islamic terrorism I can understand that criticism, and clearly so could his advisors because the next day he did name them – after a “raw raw” speech but I digress.

The point is that even after doing what the people wanted, the left media and public figures still complained. It just shows you there is no compassion way out left. Here’s a specifically horrendous tweet by Michael Ian Black I came across:

As heartless and distasteful as this Kathy Griffin-esc statement was, it did get me wondering what was the cause of such a needless crime – beyond of course the idiot behind the wheel.

The rally to protest the removal of the General Lee statue was planned for a long time. If we roll back the clock, when did this rally go from being a demonstration to preserve history into a hate fuelled “white power” march?

That’s where the left-media comes into play, thriving on creating conflict. Obviously there were racists and neo-shit heads there, but imagine if the media had left it alone? Imagine if everyone left them alone? Imagine if BLM never showed up (ironically/hypocritically) protesting these people’s right to protest?

If not for the media-created animosity that young woman almost certainly would not have been there, nor would the tension escalate to the point that it did.

So I hope all of those people whose blind hatred towards everyone who does not share their left-wing political views, take a look in the mirror and realize that these hate-fuelled tweets and news articles are the result of his mentality.

But they won’t. I know this because of how they crucified Trump for doing exactly what they wanted him to do.

Note: My hope would be the same for right-wing people, but at this point the hatred seems to be originating on the left – who have initiated demonstration after protest after riot since Trump’s victory, and have have also deemed it appropriate to hypocritically prevent multiple right-wing demonstrations (such as pro-life).

Daddy, what is anal sex?

As I’m sure you guessed by the title of this article it is about a children’s book…

But not just any children’s book, on that has proven to be the perfect fodder for “reaction videos” (link), pranks, or just flat out weird reviews (link).

Still, if you ask me it’s a good read… and even somewhat educational!

Gender and the “sexual spectrum”


Sometimes learning new things confuses me even more.

I’m picturing a teacher at the head of a classroom with two diagrams: one with the female reproductive organs and one with the male counterpart.

She holds her pointer on top of the male diagram and say “This is a penis – or in technical terms, a ‘three piece set’. If you have one of these it means you are male.”

So it strikes me as odd that in this moment in our history, little Johnny can hold up his hand and say “no it doesn’t”… and be RIGHT!

I really don’t envy teachers of sex ed in this regard. As much fun as it would be to spend all day looking at private parts, having to then attempt to tell a class full of kids coming from different parental ideologies about reproduction while not offending anyone must be exhausting.

And there are so many outside sources that add to the mix…

You have religious outlets saying that God/Allah/Xenu made people the way they are, and that feelings of gender confusion are temptations that you must overcome.

Then you have the people who are trying to make life easier on these individuals by telling us that it is criminal not to accommodate them.

You have have the scientifically minded people saying that humans have evolved with two distinct genders for the survival of the species and therefore gender is not fluid.

And of course we have Donald Trump and team, who have stated that transgender people are not to serve in the military.

Then throw into the mix people like Walter Heyer, a public speaker who was once transgender and now regrets that decision and tries to help people struggling with gender dysphoria overcome what he calls a psychological condition. He actually agrees with Trump’s decision – interestingly feeling that it is for the better of the individuals who are currently upset about the decision.

I can see how there can be a lot of unrest because people who see it as a mental condition say that people suffering require psychological assistance, and people who say it is not a mental disorder are insulted by such well-meaning insinuations.

Here in Ontario we have a premiere who is a gay extremist liberal who has decided that it is not a mental disorder – and parents with a gender confused child who tries to get them help will be at risk of having their child taken away.  She has also removed gender from certain pieces of ID and is now potentially going to have gender optional on birth certificates.

I recently watched Bill Nye’s “Sexual Spectrum” episode that caused all kinds of unrest… not because of the cheesy canned laughter every time he made a dad joke, but because he suggested that there are multiple chromosomes that determine ones gender and they could be far more varied than originally thought.

The moment I saw it I wanted to ask him: is it the chromosomes that determine the gender, or gender that determines the chromosomes?

But something tells me that if I had the opportunity to ask him I would get an earful of big words.

He posed an interesting point where he said there was a theory that there are both male and female brains and that it could therefore be possible that a “male body” had a “female brain”… this to me was a fascinating – and potentially game-changing thought!

He didn’t elaborate beyond that so I did some digging.

Unfortunately it turns out there is currently no scientific evidence to support this. Tests have been done but nothing is conclusive meaning that to my disappointment, Nye was giving an unproven theory the weight of a proven fact.

This blog is not about Bill Nye but as a sidebar… I gained a lot of respect for him when he changed his tune about GMOs – not because I had a horse in the race but because I loved the fact that a man of science was willing to stand up and say that his standpoint changed with new information. So it disheartens me when I then see him basing his premise on loose theories.

Anyway between all of these conflicting ideologies, I still have very little idea what to make of the whole thing. I’m fortunate not to be afflicted with such a condition, but the reality is that it still affects me due to the social weight the subject carries.

But enough on that, here’s a lighthearted look at it: