Who is Michelle Goldberg?

This Friday (May 18,2018) the Munk Debates is holding an event featuring Stephen Fry and Jordan Peterson who are taking the position of anti-political correctness (likely from the position of freedom of speech) and in favour of political correctness is Michael Eric Dyson, famous for his books on black culture and for having not invented the vacuum, alongside Michelle “who the hell is she” Goldberg.

(As an aside I generally think debates are largely pointless. They are all about “winning” and not about having a meaningful discussion)

I was wondering who this person was and worried that in order to argue in favour of something so out of control as political correctness she must be completely out of her mind. So I did some research and I was pleasantly right… okay that’s not fully true. She seems to be really bright and fairly well educated, but is also a great embodiment of the extreme left and appears to be oblivious of this as well as to the inconsistencies in her ideals.

For example, on Trump winning the presidency she made a statement along the lines of “what is wrong with people”… when the answer is right in front of you on the ballot! This is what the left does; they blame everyone else rather than looking in the mirror. Is it any wonder we have such polarization? She also accuses the right of fascism, which is pretty hypocritical for someone who wants to enforce political correctness.

She also seems to love the term “privileged” which is a telltale sign of someone trying to push identity politics and the victim mentality, both of which are pushed aggressively by the hard left. This is also ironic considering she has spoken favourably of Obama who did more to create segregation than any other president in US history. On that note she seems to love accusing white Christian conservatives of racism… um… Abraham Lincoln?

She was upset that children were celebrating Roy Moore because of the allegations against him, and Mike Pence for his efforts against abortion along with the claims that he is homophobic. And as mentioned before, she speaks poorly of Christianity. And yet she speaks highly of Islam which shuns homosexuals forbids abortion and was founded by a warlord who married an infant and took over a nation by force.

All I’m asking for is consistency.

How can you simultaneously encourage people to work as little as possible (socialism) and expect quality services to be handed out?

How can you claim to be both a feminist and a transgender advocate?

How can you simultaneously endorse a borderless country and yet promote the kind of segregation that identity politics produces?

The more of her speeches I listened to, the more it sounded like she has not changed her views since pre-pubescence, and essentially has not grown up. She’s like that self-righteous kid talking at you, who has no life experience but yet feels entitled to lecture you and try to claim the moral high ground while being so oblivious to reality that she can’t see that she is being stupefyingly immoral.

But that tends to be their tactic: trying to stupefy with illogical accusations that detract from the issues at hand.

Unfortunately for her, Jordan Peterson is well aware of these tactics and inconsistencies so if she’s not careful may find herself career-endingly embarrassed.

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