Star Wars the force awakens trailer reaction


Maybe I’m just too hard to please these days.

When the first episode VII teaser came out I actually thought it looked really cool — aside from the impractical red lightsaber.

But the newest trailer just felt like it was trying too hard. Even the last shot with Han and Chewy felt forced (pun intended). And I still have no idea what it’s meant to be about.

I hope the storyline is good enough that you don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to be excited for it… But now I am a fan but am not terribly excited.


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Batman V Superman – review of the new trailer

obviously you want to know what I thought of the trailer that was just released prematurely due to a leaked camcorder version… One word can sum up my response… Underwhelming.

It appears to be darker than man of steel. It also looks a lot less fun. I don’t know if I could handle two hours of Affleck moping about and accusing Superman of being evil. 

But I think this little boy sums it up best:


SOA – A hilarious new web-series

SOA – The Prospect – Game review

Those of us who are SOA fans (and of course the OTHER SOA fans) have keenly awaited the arrival of this game ever since it was announced via an advertisement card that was shamelessly stuck inside the Season 7 DVD case.

When the game landed it annoyingly came with a pricetag of $2 or so, making it a gamble to begin with… what’s worse is that it appears as though you need to buy more segments of the game as you progress… but that said I’m not entirely sure I will even get that far because the game itself has virtually none of the elements that made the show so great.

It is centered around some character named Clint who is not even a member of Redwood original. So it doesn’t have our beloved characters, it is a different chapter of the gang so it doesn’t take place in charming, and it involves a lot more focus and dexterity than watching the show did since you have to try to steer a motorcycle with one finger.

There’s also a lot more effin’ and jeffin’ in this game than there is in the show, which doesn’t make it any better or worse except that the characters yelling at you while you are trying to figure out what you’re doing just make you even angrier.

Not to be overly shameless here, but I’m super annoyed with this game so screw it… if you want more SOA content rather than dropping cash on this ill-conceived game I suggest checking out this new webseries which is loosely based on the show.

SOA – A hilarious new web-series

Free the nipple


A new trend I’ve been pointed towards is the “free the nipple” or #freethenipple campaign which is supposedly an attempt to de-sexualize women.

Well, first and foremost if chicks want to free their boobies I am right behind that. But the idea of trying to make men be less obsessed with boobs by over-saturating the Internet with them seems like a flawed concept… Internet porn has never been more readily available and it has not stopped us guys from being pervs. If anything it’s made us better at it.

I suppose I also don’t understand why women would want to de-mystify their best assets… Let’s face it, you go out on a date with a chick wondering what her rack looks like and then after a couple of hours of flirting your ruse of being a gentleman pays off when you get to learn if they are pink or brown, perky or droopy. If that was already known why would we even bother with the whole sherade in the first place?

It is also a known fact that women don’t like sex as much as I do so why would you try to de-sexualize yourself anyway? It would only annoy me if it actually worked.

Now before you brand me a misogynist I should point out that I love and respect females immensely… But boobs give me wood and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s how nature intended it so that the human race would carry on.

To conclude, maybe I’ll launch a “Free the Wang” movement just for a laugh… Then again penile envy is a lot more predominant than women having nipple envy from what I can tell. This blog is taking on a strange direction so I’m gonna stop now.


SOA – A hilarious new web-series 

Trailer Park Boys – season 9 review

The boys are back (again) for their second Netflix season.

I was extremely excited for season 9 because after a steady decline until they put out what was easily their worst outing with “Don’t Legalize It”, season 8 was actually a really good.

Season 9 had some pretty funny moments, including a foul-mouthed rapping kid, the rude old woman and some witty one-liners, but it was probably the least entertaining season yet.

I’m not sure if it was because Jonathan Torrens was recruited as a writer and occasional director for this season, but the J-Rock plot got way too much screen time and for the most part was flat-out boring.

Another shame of this season is that Donald, the hilariously weird addition to season 8 spent the entire season 9 as his creepy and not very funny alter ego Donna. I also wished we could’ve seen more of the police officer with high pants they worked so hard to introduce in season 8.

One thing the newest two seasons of TPB has in common is that they include “mute” characters who are really awkward and are likely silent due to union rules. It’s really more distracting than anything. In this case the most obvious one was a girl who popped up at the end as Julian’s obedient girlfriend, probably only there so Julian doesn’t seem to be gay.

In the end I hope that they come back for a season 10 and I hope they are able to look objectively at this lost season to make the next one the best yet.


SOA – A hilarious new web-series

Two things that drive women wild in bed

okay, I suppose I’d better give up my secret since me last post – how I became great in bed – got a fair amount of traffic.

These two magic ingredients while kissing a lady make her melt. Even if you have tiny wang using these will make her tell her friends you were good!

The key is to use both at the same time

So here they are:

1. Passion

2. Tenderness

These combined make her feel loved AND wanted… Go forth and dominate!

Related: SOA – A hilarious new web-series